Version 5.98 Release Notes - Production Deploy date 2023-06-29
- The Market Assumptions Uploader previously displayed generic error messages when asset class names did not match the names used in the system. We have added more specific error messages for mismatched asset class names.
- Added the ability to indicate whether a withdrawal limit amount is future or present value.
- Vault | Users can now be invited to and use Vault without requiring a planning license too.
- Previously, jointly owned expenses were also displayed in the column of the deceased client on the Income vs. Expenditures screen. This has been fixed and jointly owned expenses will now be displayed in the column of the survivor.
Version 5.97 Release Notes - Production Deploy date 2023-06-15
- Added a model portfolio manager to AdviserGo. This manager can be accessed if the user has ROLE_MODEL_PORTFOLIO_SETUP role, and the feature flag model-portfolio-manager is not disabled.
- 2023 tables updated for values used in calculation of superannuation, offsets, age pension, and taxes.
Version 5.96 Release Notes - Production Deploy date 2023-06-01
- Added Taxes section to Incomes vs. Expenditures
- Addition of error, loading, and Not Found states to Securities Search inside of: Item Edit|Growth|Holdings|Add Security.
- Added Present Value/Future Value functionality. This feature allows users to handle values based on present or future terms, depending on the specific item being addressed within the plan. Default changed to Future Value in Savings, investments, Retirement, Debt, Income Protection, Distribution for new models. Existing models remain Present Value.
- Adviser to AdviserGo | Line of Credit Payoff Events created in the legacy Adviser software are now converted to linked Onetime Payments in AdviserGo, allowing for easier editing.
- Corrected Long Term Care simple benefit escalation calculations.
Other Applications
- ClientGo | Addressed issue causing mis-alignment of icons for Safari users.
- Home | Users will now receive a helpful |Page Not Found| message instead of a blank page if they enter an invalid URL.
Version 5.95 Release Notes - Production Deploy date 2023-05-18
- When changing plans, the application will no longer transition the user back to the dashboard every time. If the page is supported, the application will now transition the user to the same page they were on before changing plans.
- The UI now respects the feature key {{require-tracking-id}} . If this key is enabled, and tracking ID is enabled, the UI will force the user to enter a tracking ID.
- Addressed a display issue where newly created Legacy Expenses would be shown as Goals in the Dashboard until the next load of the client.
Version 5.94 Release Notes - Production Deploy date 2023-05-04
- Added example upload .csv files of a investment averages file and a correlation coefficient file on the custom market assumptions page behind a clickable link.
- In order to provide users with more flexibility, we now allow the use of SMS 2-factor authentication. A dedicated MFA verification page has been added with a feature to request a new code if the old one has not been received.
- Introducing Plan Differences: The New Way to Compare Plans. A new feature allows one to compare any two plans in a single view. Easily see the differences between the two plans, without having to switch back and forth between them. To view, go to Overview | Plan Differences, select the two comparison plans. Plan Differences will then display a side-by-side comparison of the two plans.
- Updated MFA text description
- Adviser to AdviserGo | Improvement to the user experience when we receive an error from an integration source. Previously, the UI would display an alert asking the user to confirm that they want to leave the page without context. In this release, we have changed the UI to show notification of the failure and redirect the user to the Client Dashboard.
- Adviser to AdviserGo | Debt Payoff Events created in the legacy Adviser software are now converted to linked Onetime Payments in AdviserGo, allowing for easier editing.
- Corrected an issue with the timing of an asset linked expense fulfillment. Previously, asset linked expenses were fulfilled at the beginning of the year, even if owned by individuals. This meant individuals' employment income was consumed by the expenses, even though they had not yet paid taxes on that income. The asset linked expense fulfillment is now only processed at the beginning of the year if owned by trusts and companies.
- Jointly owned debts were temporarily created as a single debt, even when owned by multiple people, leading to an incorrect result at an owner's mortality. Resolved such that jointly owned debts treated separately.
Other Applications
- HOME | In the past, users could only use a 3rd party app for multi-factor authentication. Now, we are excited to announce that users can use either text messaging or a 3rd party app for multi-factor authentication!
- HOME | If a user is actively using muiti-factor authentication and wishes to self-deactivate his/her device, user must now submit a code (prompted on the screen).
- ClientGo, Snapshot, & Vault | Added better error handling when users attempt to access a URL without proper authorization.
Version 5.93 Release Notes - Production Deploy date 2023-05-04
- Allow Corporations, Trusts, and People to co-own a property.
- Feature keyed enhancement; An additional menu item is available to be added behind the client name to view the client record in the Administrative console.
- Corrected a tabbing order issue in Dashboard, Dashboard year view, and Lets See pages.
- Corrected an issue wherein a double click on subscription preferences routes to a blank page.
- Filtered out UI options to prevent companies from owning their own preferred shares.
- Age pension benefits and test thresholds updated.
Version 5.92 Release Notes - Production Deploy date 2023-04-06
- Updated Navigation | for an advisor user | Clicking the logo from within a client will now route to client search, rather than the client Dashboard page.
- Fixed an issue with the payment of debt linked to insurance such that it is now properly displayed as Additional Payment in Year View Debt section.
Version 5.91 Release Notes - Production Deploy date 2023-03-23
- Corrected an issue in Plan Settings where users were not able to set percentages to zero.
Version 5.90 Release Notes - Production Deploy date 2023-03-09
- Plan Notes added as a new option on the Reports screen.
- Added a more verbose message when deleting an item. From |Are you sure that you want to delete?| to |Are you sure that you want to delete {name}?|
- Plan notes created in Advisor with html are converted to markdown and visible in AdvisorGo.
- Added on screen Balance Sheet and Income vs Expenditures under Overview.
Other Applications
- Home | Added language selector to login, registration, and invite acceptance pages in regions with more than 1 language.
Version 5.89 Release Notes - Production Deploy date 2023-02-23
- For users with an integration that supports export on their subscription, for example Salesforece or Intelliflo, Plan items with a |type| select option will now display this type instead of the generic item type throughout the application. Export type options during integration export will now be filtered to only applicable options based on the plan item type.
- Users are now able to promote to the current tax year
- Improvements in language specific name formatting.
Version 5.88 Release Notes - Production Deploy date 2023-02-09
- Corrected duplicate paraplanner name on client search screen.
Version 5.87 Release Notes - Production Deploy date 2023-01-26
- Add Subscription Preferences to AdviserGO
- Improve accessibility for switch toggle inputs; will positively impact toggle label reading by screen readers.
- Employment Incomes - Add a Receive Income While Disabled toggle allowing a user to specify to continue to receive income during disability period.
- Adviser to AdviserGo | Legacy is now nested under Overview navigation button.
- Adviser to AdviserGo | Upside, Downside, Interest & Dividend information shown where expected average already exists.
Other Applications
- ClientGo | Now supports full date of birth with feature key.
- ClientGo | The Edit Person page will now show most owned items, and allow you to delete a person if they do not own anything.
Version 5.86 Release Notes - Production Deploy date 2023-01-12
- Plan Notes now support markdown for better formatting and styling, and we have made multiple usability improvements to the rich content editor used in Client Notes.
- Itemized expenses are now validated to require descriptions with each item.
- Added plan start date to Plan Management and Plan Attestation screen.
- Downsizer eligibility age has been decreased to 55.
- API Documentation added to Voyant support site
Other Applications
- ClientGo | Updates to client display names to ensure consistency with recent changes in AdviserGo.
- Vault | New filter by Uploader option and accessibility improvements.
- Vault | Add validation that Document Vault is empty prior to Disabling a Document Vault enabled Consumer User.
Version 5.85 Release Notes - Production Deploy date 2022-12-15
- Corrected several issues with labels displaying as intended. Salary before Super label should only display if Employment equals Employed. For Windfall type Superannuation Death Benefit Lump Sum, the Hide Benefactor Age at Death label no longer shows and Dependent Beneficiary shows with slider next to it. For Superannuation type Pensions, when Death Benefit is selected for Phase, Benefactor Age at Death field now shows.
- Refined the display of client names throughout the application. Family names will be formatted as follows if the primary and secondary person have different last names: primaryLastName, primaryName and secondaryName secondaryLastName.
- Label changes: Replaced Benefactor Age at Death with Dependant Beneficiary for Superannuation Death Benefit Lump Sum. For Death Benefits of Superannuation accounts, added Benefactor Age at Death.
- Updated Market Assumptions Upload tool to handle special characters in Asset Class names.
Other Applications
- ClientGo | Fixed an issue where the import finances button would not be displayed in new plans.
- HOME | Added 2-factor login through SMS code
- ClientGo and HOME | Home and other consumer applications now support one-time passwords, both via emailed one time password or sent via SMS.
Version 5.84 Release Notes - Production Deploy date 2022-12-01
- Added Only Use Preferred Payment Sources toggle to Multi-Year, Legacy and University Expenses steps.
- Fixed a bug where users could not enter 2nd decimal place 7.0x%
- Added Cashflow - Simple report
- Previously, if imported holdings exactly matched a model portfolio, this would disable the ability to edit the portfolio allocation. Now both Calculated Portfolios and model portfolios show the edit button when holdings are present.
- Cash Flow Detailed Analysis report updated to explicitly show payments from the insurance policy instead of in annual shortfall.
- The *Basics* tab of Whole Life, Disability and Critical Illness insurance types now includes an option to *Transfer Payout* to an account.
- Added Linked Debts to Critical Illness Insurance
- Ability in AdvisorGo to link debts to term insurance and set pay off order.
- Features from Adviser now available in AdviserGo:
- Ability to decide survivorship of other income after owners mortality.
- Cashflow Simple Report
Other Applications
- ClientGo | Various accessibility improvements.
- ClientGo | Users can now set existing trusts and companies as account owners. Accounts owned by these entities will be displayed in the Finances section.
- Vault | Updated Access Control and Error Pages
Version 5.83 Release Notes - Production Deploy date 2022-11-10
- Plan Facts & Assumptions Report - New report which includes details on accounts, expenses (itemized and non-itemized), transfers and taxes among other items in the plan.
- Liquid Assets Detailed Report - New report which projects the value of Savings, Investments and Pensions accounts over time. Non-liquid assets such as Property are not included.
- Income vs. Expenditure Report - New report which displays incomes, expenses, savings, taxes and resulting surplus or shortfall for the current year.
Other Applications
- *Admin* Updated user search parameters to include the search for both enabled and disabled users.
- *Admin* Added ability for users in a subgroup to share clients with users in their subscription who may not be in their subgroup(s).
- *HOME* Improved the look of the HOME app on mobile AND improved the look of the app as a whole
Version 5.82 Release Notes - Production Deploy date 2022-10-27
- Fixed a bug where Gift Tax was always zero in Legacy View.
- Option now available for insurance premium expenses to be paid by super for insurance types term life, total permanent disability and income protection.
- Trust functionality now available with all income and realized gains including dividend and interest yield distributed and taxed in the hands of the beneficiaries in the year earned. For trust capital distribution use capital distribution options.
- Pie chart displaying tax-free, taxed and untaxed amounts for each superannuation available in pension tab.
- Income protection insurance option added.
- Companies now available in AU with functionality to earn and generate investment income, hold property and be owned by trusts. Companies have a user option to use small business or base corporate tax rates. Income and dividend distributions from companies are also available with franking credit and franking tax offsets based on the corporate rate selected.
- Franked dividend distributions from companies owned by trusts and passed through to and taxed on individual beneficiaries now available. This feature includes franking credit and franking credit refundable offset in the hands of individual beneficiaries based on company tax rate and beneficiary amounts designated in trust.
- End of Life announcement for Adviser as of Dec. 31, 2022. This is NOT for AdviserGo.
Other Applications
- *HOME* Application updated to show correct number of invitations sent.
- *VAULT* Added Client Search to Vault Transfer Action.
- *VAULT* Add Restrictions to Vault Transfer to prevent mistakes from low permissioned users.
Version 5.81 Release Notes - Production Deploy date 2022-10-13
- Added the ability to manually specify the Plan Start Date when creating a new plan. The start date can be any date in the current year or any future date within the existing plan before Mortality End Date. No changes to client creation via integrations.
- Disabled default mortality age in plan preferences as an input field. It is now just a reference.
- Updated Age pension benefit amounts and thresholds for 2022
- Reports | Liquid Assets Simple report added
Other Applications
- Admin Console | User Search can now show MFA status
- When inviting clients to create an account, the registration page is now branded for white-label customers.
Version 5.80 Release Notes - Production Deploy date 2022-09-30
- Fixed display error on transfer pages for iPad users.
- Added enhanced validation message for major loss default age, zero value is accepted but an empty age input is not.
- Improved disabled state of major loss tab & inputs added in previous release.
- Retirement Summary Report | Lump Sum Savings insight was updated to use the retirement event by default. If the insight in the UI was run with a different event prior to generating the report (e.g. Plan Start), then Plan Start will be used for the insight in the report.
- Tax improvements for Supers, Income Tax display, Cumulative Taxes and included Age Pension Value. Added SAPTO and Super Tax Offsets.
- Added ability to change email and password in the HOME application
- Expanded details on the importance of MFA in improving data security
- The Monte Carlo simulation now incorporates Inflation from Market Assumption parameters, if so configured.
Version 5.79 Release Notes - Production Deploy date 2022-09-08
- Release notes are now available from directly within AdviserGo. Users will automatically see Release Notes when first logging in following an update, and further can access them anytime from within the client search page profile dropdown. Intentionally NOT enabled for Enterprise clients.
- White label subscribers can further customize their Voyant solutions to match their unique brand identity. All Voyant products now support customization of chart colors, including those in the Lets See and Asset Allocation modules as well as stage and goal progress colors.
- Added a plain language error notification when a user attempts to access a client for which they do not have appropriate permissions.
- Plan Settings | Exposed 4 preference items in the UI allowing for user entry.
- 1. Assume Predeceased upon simultaneous death
- 2. Show basic expense line
- 3. Mortality Age
- 4. Child owned accounts available in plan until age
- Added Additional User Search And Result Fields address, address2, province in Admin User Search dialog.
Version 5.78.1 Release Notes - 2022-08-16
- Fixed an issue where the app would crash during client creation if a user entered an unusually high birth year value, for example reflecting an age of 120 years. Ancillary to the fix, the Retirement Age input is now a text field instead of a drop down.
- Updated AdviserGo Plan Preferences UI to Display and allow Edit of Major Loss values.
- Improved error message when the remaining estate distribution breakdown is not 100%
- Super growth tax is no longer displayed in the cash flow or expense charts. Super growth tax will be shown in the Not Displayed On Chart section of the year view expense tab.
Version 5.77.0 Release Notes - 2022-07-29
- Added a dismissable notification banner mechanism for Voyant Admins to alert users of system maintenance and other important updates.
Version 5.76.0 Release Notes - 2022-07-15
- Fixed an annoying issue where the UI throws a birthday validation error when tabbing through the date inputs.
- Delivered several updates to AdviserGo 2-factor authentication login, including a new setup flow, improved error feedback, and emergency code backup.
- Added Income Dividend Franking Percent to AU Other Income.
- Other income of type dividend now has an option to add a franking credit amount entered as a percent of the dividend income not to exceed 30%.
- Added Current Year Cashflow report to available report suite.
Version 5.75.0 Release Notes - 2022-07-05
- Respect the language preference from one app to the entire Voyant ecosystem of apps, currently AdviserGo, HOME, Snapshot, ClientGo.
Version 5.74.0 Release Notes - 2022-06-21
- Property Buy Sell Rightsize goals added from ClientGo are now visible and editable within AdviserGo though not yet available to add directly in AdviserGo just yet.
- Fixed a bug where the UI was not displaying the correct portfolio name for a portfolio with holdings.
- Added the ability to select the prior year, current year, or next year as the plan start date when creating a client.
- Corrected an issue with US and AU pension where percent per year of service was not persisting.
- Improved chart display in reports by de-coupling the legend from the chart image. This allows for better wrapping of text and larger chart display.
Version 5.73.0 Release Notes - 2022-06-07
- Fixed an edge condition issue where goals with negative completion percentage would display a full progress circle graphic.
Version 5.72.0 Release Notes - 2022-05-20
- Bring forward Non-Concessional Carry Over Assumptions.
- The option to exclude items from the age pension income and assets test has been added to most savings accounts, investment accounts, other income and property.
- Non-concessional bring forward has been added to carry over assumptions.
Version 5.71.0 Release Notes - 2022-05-06
- This space intentionally blank.
Version 5.70.0 Release Notes - 2022-04-22
- Improved the user's experience by automatically setting term and whole life insurance as joint policies if the user selects more than one owner
- Corrected label mismatch in Disability Event special event.
- The superannuation RMD covid reductions extends through the 2022-2023 tax year. The RMDs go back to normal starting 2023.
Version 5.69.0 Release Notes - 2022-04-11
- Added Simplified Franking Credit percent of dividends input option.
- Corrected Liquid Asset inclusion in Net Worth calculation for reports.
- Corrected an issue with display of Custom Market Assumptions optional feature in plan settings.
Version 5.68.0 Release Notes - 2022-03-28
- Updated search feature to allow users to search for locked clients in environments where that feature is enabled.
- Clients can now be locked from the Manage Access menu as an optional feature. Locked clients cannot be edited by anyone other than the person that applied the lock though other users can still open read-only. Only the original locker or users with elevated permissions are able to unlock a client.
Version 5.67.1 Release Notes - 2022-03-11
- Corrected End Event label on AdviserGo Investment Returns Report to be Plan End.
Version 5.66.0 Release Notes - 2022-03-01
- Updated the Select Goals reorder function under Report - Financial Summary page to allow user to drag and drop to rearrange goals. Note that caret icons are also clickable to reorder.
- Added the Net Worth goal to Fact Find, Retirement Summary, and where applicable Plan Facts reports.
Version 5.65.0 Release Notes - 2022-02-15
- This space intentionally blank.
Version 5.64.0 Release Notes - 2022-01-28
- Added Personal Concessional and Non-Concessional contributions to Superannuation Steps.
- Added a detailed contribution section for Superannuation.
- To support backwards compatibility with Adviser a Cash Account balance now can be edited in AdviserGo if it was changed in Adviser. This is not applicable for plans created in AdviserGo.
- Superannuation contribution steps now include salary sacrifice, personal concessional contributions, non-concessional contributions, and additional employer contributions.
- The superannuation contribution display in the pension tab has been redesigned to include detailed information on superannuation contributions including contribution type, concessional tax amount and net contributions.
Version 5.63.1 Release Notes - 2022-01-19
- Corrected an issue with curent year net worth report when a corporate property is bought using corporate funds.
- Added the ability to select an offset savings account to a mortgage.
Version 5.62.0 Release Notes - 2021-12-21
- Added Cumulative Taxes to the Taxes Chart Tooltip
- Dates that do not exist on the calendar, e.g. February 31, are no longer permitted in full date fields, including: person birth date, new plan start date in Update and Promote flow, stock grant dates and exercised/vested dates. Update and promote now enforces that new plan start date is after existing plan start, and stock grants now enforce that vested/exercised dates are after the grant date.
- Added the ability to create Net Worth Goals via plus button.
- Fix a bug where the order of the goals under Financial Summary on the report does not match the UI
- Added available pension contribution carry forward fields to the Carryover Assumptions screen
- Unused concessional cap carryforward now functional in AU super accounts.
- To input unused cap space from years before plan start, access carryover assumptions.
- Unused concessional cap carryforward will not be affected by personal contributions from public sector accounts.
- Public sector personal contributions are no longer subject to any annual contribution limits and are not taxed at time of contribution.
Version 5.61.0 Release Notes - 2021-12-08
- Added Other Taxable Investment accounts to AU.
- Addressed an issue where previously the Right Size What-If did not consistently display a validation when the user selected the Plan End event as timing.
- Fixed and issue causing some assets to be double counted in age pension asset test.
- Loans to people in the plan were showing in the Not displayed on chart section. They will now be included in the chart, including spousal loans. Please note that Loans payments are no longer immediately deposited in the lender's cash account upon receipt, rather they are now treated as regular credits.
Version 5.60.0 Release Notes - 2021-11-15
- Added more validation messages on the Dashboard where needed, especially for server side validation which was not being passed through.
- Clicking the Change Market Assumptions button in an obsolete market assumption alert will automatically change the plan to use the suggested assumptions.
- Added filter for Link to Existing Debt such that only properties not linked to another debt are displayed, as a debt can only be associated with a single property.
- Personal concessional contribution and non-concessional contribution eligibility has been increased through age 74 including non-concessional bring forward. Downsizer Contribution eligibility reduces to age 60 beginning 2022.
Version 5.59.1 Release Notes - 2021-11-02
- Introduced new UI for the Reports Screen to add the ability to save multiple report sets.
- Change the default Lump Sum simulation event to plan start.
Version 5.58.0 Release Notes - 2021-10-18
- Taxes Detailed Report now available for all regions (feature flagged).
- Personal super contributions are now available for accumulation and TRIS accounts. Personal super contributions will be taxed at 15% and a tax deductible expense for that amount will be included in EOY taxes.
Version 5.57.0 Release Notes - 2021-10-05
- Fix an intermittent bug where a home user is asked to create a client when they already have a plan.
Version 5.56.0 Release Notes - 2021-09-20
- Corrected an issue wherein estate report options for spouse was showing up for plans without a spouse.
- Added a cyclical retry to the report status flow to reduce the incidence of invalid timeout message in UI.
- Support different resident types in AU
- Remove the cost basis input field for Superannuation as it is not yet supported in the calculation flow.
- Updated structure so that Foreign nationals who are not permanent residents in Oz should have a different tax rate to Oz residents.
Version 5.55.1 Release Notes - 2021-09-13
- Centrelink Age Pension benefit calculation has been updated and corrected. Age Pension benefit amounts and results of the income and assets test are now displayed in the year view under Pension tab starting in the first year that person type 'Primary', 'Spouse' or 'Non-legal Partner' reaches Age Pension eligible age.
- The ability to enable or disable the growth option on the Cash/Savings screens were incorrectly governed by Grow all investment and retirement accounts using asset allocation. Now corrected to use Grow cash account using cash allocation.
Version 5.54.0 Release Notes - 2021-08-31
- Investment contributions are limited to Income for that person for each account separately
- Contributions to a spousal RRSP stop when the annuitant stops working regardless of contribution timing and the contributor earning an income.
Version 5.53.0 Release Notes - 2021-08-14
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Version 5.52.0 Release Notes - 2021-08-12
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Version 5.51.0 Release Notes - 2021-08-03
- The timing alert should reflect the age/year edit of an event.
- Cumulative Taxes added to the detailed year view. Cumulative details include:
(AU)Income Tax, Super Tax, Capital Gains,Additional Tax, Tax Credits
- Updated distribution logic in Estate Plans. Ensured:
- Distributions to a Non-Legal Partner is considered as Taxable Distribution (Spouses are considered as Non-Taxable Distribution)
- Creation of an estate plan with a non-legal partner sets the default 100% to the non-legal partner
- A single persons Estate Plan with no Spouse/Non-Legal Partner in the plan, defaults to 100% to Others
- If there are no other people in the plan, the estate plan will default 100% to Person outside of the plan
- If there are other people in the plan (child, grandchild, parent, etc), no defaults are added, and force one to specify the distribution breakdown.
- Replaced generic terms for people in the plan (like primary and spouse) with specific client names.
Version 5.50.0 Release Notes - 2021-07-13
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Version 5.49.0 Release Notes - 2021-06-28
- Editable stages added to the timeline. Recurring expenses, goals, contributions, or even periods of ownership for properties can be set by creating a stage in the timeline. | Details
- Estate item designation added | Details
- Added ability to save a frequently used set of reports. The report sets are saved locally on a per user account, per browser basis | Details .
- Incomes, savings, investments, annuities, and pensions are now payment source options for debts and expenses.
- Asset allocation and beneficiary amount values greater than 99.9% and less than 100.1% are now allowed.
- Updated Balance Sheet Report to use beginning of year values
- The real money 'tool tip' was labelled 'from Plan Preferences', which is a holdover from Voyant Adviser. It should state: 'from Plan Settings'.
- Corrected labelling of special events
Version 5.48.0 Release Notes - 2021-06-14
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Version 5.47.0 Release Notes - 2021-06-01
- Corrected step contribution options to contain all of the parent model options as appropriate.
- Introduced the ability for a user, with appropriate report-on-behalf-of role, to be presented a cover page option when producing a report where they may select from a list of users with access to the current client by which the user profile information displayed on report cover page will be populated.
- The fee rates for Annuities, Savings, Investments and Retirement Savings accounts will now show on their respective screens. Users will have the ability to not only update the default fees in the Plan Settings screen, but also at the individual account level. Newly created accounts and existing accounts will use the Plan Settings default fee rate. The Plan Settings default will only change the individual account fee rates if they have never been altered by the user.
- Removed Purchase of a House from the Milestone Goal description.
Version 5.46.0 Release Notes - 2021-05-18
- Added Balance Sheet to the report suite.
- Corrected missing translation for Disability event on the Event Report.
- Savings order updated, withdrawals will occur from cash based accounts to fulfill superannuation planned contributions but not the opposite.
- Modified display logic such that the automatic mortgage repayment occurring after a property is sold now appears on the chart. It was in the Not Displayed on Chart section.
- Corrected a UI issue where the cost basis was mistakenly shown in the contribution column of the chart year view.
Version 5.45.0 Release Notes - 2021-05-11
- Corrected UI logic to allow orphaned events that were once tied to a step was subsequently deleted to be deleted as well.
- Updated Save and Add another UI logic such that a new Education event is automatically created when using Save and Add another for an Education Goal.
- Corrected an issue preventing delete of a manually added retirement special event.
- Corrected an issue with display of Events icons for Special Events on reports.
- Addressed a latency issue with a model not displaying a new special event on the dashboard accordion without refresh.
- Special Events are now available to be added via the + button on the timeline
Version 5.44.0 Release Notes - 2021-04-19
- Updated Australia's liquidation order in plan settings to include superannuation phases. Default settings for liquidation are Retirement/Pension phase then investment accounts.
- Superannuation death benefit lump sum windfall items are now available.
- The option to have specific beneficiaries for each superannuation account is now available. Superannuation death benefit designations now function completely independently of Estate Plans designations. Death benefits left to a spouse or partner are left as a death benefit income stream, except for the amount specifically entered in the Lump Sum Death Benefit input. All other super death benefits are treated as lump sums. If beneficiaries are not designated for a superannuation account the defaults are based on other living persons in the plan at the time of the superannuation owner's death. If there is a living spouse/partner, 100% of the death benefit is passed to the spouse/partner as a death benefit income stream. If there is no living spouse and there are living children, the benefit is split equally amongst the children as a death benefit lump sum. If there is no living spouse and no living children, 100% of the death benefit is left to Person Outside of Plan. In scenarios where a spouse/partner is a beneficiary of a super death benefit income stream that they have inherited, upon death their portion of the beneficiary designation will be divided equally amongst living children and if there are no living children will be designated to Person Outside of Plan.
- Enhanced usability with alerts on exceptions, especially as regards the forthcoming Monte Carlo simulations which can be long running depending on the selected number of cycles.
- Superannuation accounts will now be displayed in Estate Analysis - Detailed report including tax amounts when accounts with a taxable component have charity as a designated beneficiary.
- Assets year view and assets report will now display assets by three categories: taxable, superannuation, and non-liquid.
- Fact Find Report now includes proper categories including employment, savings & investments and pensions.
- Issue preventing users from transferring to an accumulation account in the same year that a retirement/pension account is funded have been fixed.
- Super Guarantee and additional employer contributions are are no longer displayed in the tool tip as To Savings. Only individual funded contributions, both concessional and non-concessional, are displayed in the tool tip as To Savings.
Version 5.43.0 Release Notes - 2021-04-05
- Updated UI with Save and Add Another functionality on certain pages when using the + button where repetitive data entry is likely.
- Replaced basic/leisure/luxury approach to goal priority with selector that will allow user to pick the priority for the expense using scale of 1 to 10, with 1 representing most important level and 10 least.
- Added a Goal Priority Analysis insight option- additional detailed information forthcoming.
- Added Debt Sweep Options to Cash Sweeps
- Added a person type selector to top of person form and changed the last name validation process to occur only when primary or spouse selected.
- Added a new privacy mode toggle to the client list preferences screen such that a list of other clients is not inconveniently displayed during a client presentation session.
- Suppressed the Estate and Corporate rollup section on the Legacy tab if there are only personal assets.
- Added the ability in white labels to set expense naming and ordering.
- Added Cash sweep to Debts and Lines of Credit such that selected Debts are the primary sweep targets and selected savings accounts are subsequent (when the selected Debts are paid off).
Version 5.42.0 Release Notes - 2021-03-23
- Fixed the behavior of the Cancel button in the Add Event flow; it now cancels any update made to the event being added.
- Added a Number of Iterations control slider to Monte Carlo process; only visible if monte-carlo-iteration-controls feature is enabled, off by default.
- Centrelink age pension asset test upper threshold and phase out issue fixed.
- Incorrectly calculated shortfall issue fixed in Detailed Cash Flow.
Version 5.41.0 Release Notes - 2021-03-09
- Added the ability to change Market Assumptions in a Plan
- Fixed several miscellaneous visual bugs for alignment of the event selection field on steps, and timing tabs, and inline event selections.
Version 5.40.0 Release Notes - 2021-02-23
- Corrected a dependency for proper UI handling of the customize option for Estate Analysis- Detailed Reports (to allow more granular Estate Report selection).
- Added support for subsequent stock grants in the Stock model under Future Grants.
Version 5.39.0 Release Notes - 2021-02-08
- Added the ability to select which estate scenarios are included in the detailed estate report. NOTE: the details tables for each scenario may be toggled on or off.
- Added the ability to compare plans in a list view. Find complete information here.
- Additional UI sections have been added to the au super basics tab
- Real money now shows as a chart and report option
- Plan Settings now has a RPI field
- Superannuation individual contributions will now have separate input sections for salary sacrifice and non-concessional contributions.
- Added real money (using RPI) to charts excluding tax. Real Money is also available for Net Worth, Cash Flow, Assets Simple, Assets Detailed, Expenses, Debts, and Estate reports.
- Transfer balance cap will now be indexed in increments of $100k rounded down using the Pension COLA Rate as growth factor.
- Added a UI Validation for AU-Super accounts that are no longer valid sweep targets.
- The transfer balance cap has been increased from $1.6m to $1.7m for 2021.
Version 5.38.0 Release Notes - 2021-01-25
- Added Super Cash Sweep Option on the UI
- Updated the color assigned to Superannuation tax for chart.
- Improvements to the UI loading state during report generation- Added the report loading state to additional views; added a meaningful success message which includes the client name and a link to recent reports.
- Improved the model portfolio slider slightly by adding a pip or tick mark indicator to each index of the slider.
- Modified session warning to occur earlier, now five minutes prior to end of session (system timeout).
Version 5.37.0 Release Notes - version not released in this region
Version 5.36.0 Release Notes - 2021-01-11
- Consolidated duplicate rows with non-overlapping data on Detailed Cash Flow Report- one row was through retirement, and a new row represented post-retirement, now a single row.
- Improved integration flows to better update holdings, including presenting User with dialog for holdings where data could not be retrieved and subsequent ability to look up and map those holdings.
- Default Asset Allocation module added to Plan Settings. Users will have the ability to update the default allocation which is applied to new investment and pension models. Find complete information here.
- For users that manage their own profile, send email to both old and new email address upon change.